The overall control of the hostel is in the hands of the Principal of the college. The Hostel Superintendent maintains the discipline of the hostel. The accounts of the hostel is maintained by one of the office staff of the college. The whole system of the hostel runs under the care and co-operation of the Superintendent, Matron and other hostel employees. Policy decisions are made by the govering body with the help of the hostel committee.
Hostel Committee
For the development and smooth running of the hostel, a committee has been consitutes in the lines of the Central Students’s Welfare Committee, as defined in the Burdwan University (also Sidho-Kanho-Birsha University) statue. The committee meets at regular intervals and also as and when it is needed. It looks into the general affairs of the hostels, solves various problems and tries to further the development of the hostels.