“Physical, academic, and support facilities are maintained and utilized with the help of various sub-committees and various departments, including the library. These work as follows –
1) The Purchase committee: The convenor of the Purchase sub-committee is the convenor of the IQAC. Each department submits their requisitions to the Convenor as and when required. After a short interval, the Convenor calls a meeting where requisitions for purchases are recorded and estimates placed.
2) The Building Committee: This Committee oversees old buildings and construction of new facilities. It prepares estimates and places its requisitions for funds to the Finance Committee. The Building Committee has as a member the District Engineer and an SAE, who is the paid overseer of the college.
3) The Finance Committee: This is the most important committee under the supervision of the Governing Body. All estimates are placed in the Finance Committee, and funds allotted for each requisition.
4) The Library Committee: The Library Committee oversees all administrative aspects of the college library, including policy matters, problem-solving, and new schemes.”